Electric Vehicles at King of the Hammers

Volta Power Systems
Johnson Valley, CA

Even though it is a relatively-new event, we don't think there are many offroad events that are more iconic than the Progressive King of the Hammers, powered by OPTIMA Batteries. Johnson Valley, California plays host to this event and those who have been there can tell you it is a long way from just about anywhere. Given the distance and isolation from the power grid, that may not seem like the best place to hold a rally for owners of electric vehicles, but OPTIMA was willing to take a chance and put together an event. 

The OPTIMA Unplugged event, co-hosted by Volta Power Systems and DCE, invited any EV or hybrid owner out for a tour in and around Hammertown and Johnson Valley, capped off by a delicious trailside lunch and ice cream desert from Nicho's Ice Cream. Check out this video to see how it went