No one anywhere on eBay, Craigslist, Facebook, Offerup or other similar sites is authorized to sell new OPTIMA batteries. If you buy a battery from a seller on one of those sites, it is considered used and carries only the warranty coverage that specific seller is willing to personally offer to you.
Did you know OPTIMA® Batteries are the most-widely available AGM aftermarket battery in the world? With such widespread availability, not to mention so many people selling things online, we are often asked the question of who is actually authorized to sell new OPTIMA batteries. The list is far too long for us to post here and we'd probably get in trouble if we forgot a few hundred retailers, but the short answer is a lot of retailers are authorized to sell and service our products.
If you would like to find the nearest authorized brick & mortar OPTIMA retailer to you, just use our retail finder and enter your zip code to get plenty of options. Does this mean that anyone else selling our products, who isn't in our retail finder, isn't an authorized retailer of OPTIMA products? Absolutely not!
There are thousands more retailers, both online and in brick mortar locations, who are also authorized retailers of our products. So how can you tell if the seller you are looking at is authorized to sell our products? Authorized retailers will confirm to you before making a purchase, that they will adhere to & honor the OPTIMA warranty on all products they sell. If you can't find someone to talk to about warranty coverage before you purchase a product, chances are you won't be able to find anyone after you purchase a product either.
All OPTIMA battery, charger and maintainer online resellers on eBay, Craigslist, Facebook, Gumtree, Offerup, Amazon 3P or Wal-Mart 3P (unless it is SHIPPED & SOLD by OPTIMA Batteries, Amazon.com Services Inc or Wal-Mart.com) and any other online marketplace platforms ARE NOT authorized resellers of the OPTIMA family of products. This includes an individual in Hawaii, who goes by the aliases of "JR" or "Tommy," whose phone number ends in 5959, an individual in Florida named "Zachary," whose phone number ends in 0801 and David Gravely of New Port Richey, Florida, who operates out of a rented mailbox under the aliases of "US19Parts" and "DBG Ventures." Off Road Warehouse is also not an authorized OPTIMA Batteries retailer.
This means that such marketplace resellers may be selling aged inventory, damaged or used products and/or may be using unapproved packing for shipping. It also means that should you have a service need or warranty claim, they will not provide adequate support. Receipts from marketplaces that have sales dates outside of 180 days of the date of manufacture will not be acknowledged as proof of purchase of a new battery. All OPTIMA Authorized resellers are required to honor the entire warranty period of whatever product is purchased from them. Marketplace resellers who are not authorized retailers, will refer your service needs to someone else. OPTIMA values one on one communication via phone and email and a phone option is a requirement of all authorized resellers. Buyers beware, resellers on Craigslist, eBay & other such sites do not promote this type of communication.
If you'd rather not take a chance on an unknown internet retailer, you can always email info@optimabatteries.com to confirm a retailer is legitimate or order factory-direct. -
Acid- Liquid in the electrolyte of a lead-acid battery.
Acid Stratification- When charging a traditional/flooded lead-acid cell, high-density acid is produced in the plates. This heavy acid drops as a result of gravitation to the lower part of the cell while lower density acid rises to the top of the cell. This stratification of acid can cause loss of capacity and/or battery failure. Acid stratification is a much smaller concern in AGM batteries.
Active Material- Chemically active compounds in a cell or battery that convert from one composition to another while producing current (electrical energy) or accepting current from an external circuit.
Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM)- The mat of micro glass fibers, which is used for fixing the sulfuric acid in lead accumulators.
Ampere (Amp)- The unit of measure of the electron flow, or current, through a circuit.
Ampere (Amp) Hours- The unit of measure for a battery’s electrical storage capacity. Multiply the current in amperes by the time in hours of discharge.
Battery- One or more galvanic (electrochemical) cells electrically coupled into a single unit and equipped with attachments for external electrical connections.
Battery Charger- Device supplying electrical energy to a secondary battery.
BMS (Battery Management System)- The system within a lithium battery that is intended to oversee and control battery functionality.Capacity- The ability of a fully charged battery to deliver a specified quantity of electricity at a given rate over a definite period of time.
Cell- The basic electrochemical current-producing unit in a battery consisting of a set of positive plates, negative plates, electrolyte, separators and casing. There are six cells in a 12-volt lead-acid battery and four LFP cells in a 12-volt lithium battery.
Charge Acceptance- The quantity of current in ampere hours that a battery in a defined charge state can accept at a specified temperature and charge voltage within a defined period.
Circuit- Path followed by a flow of electrons. A closed circuit is a complete path. An open circuit has a broken or disconnected path.
Cold-Cranking Amps (CCA)- Number of amperes a lead-acid battery at 0oF (-17.8oC) can deliver for 30 seconds and maintain at least 1.2 volts per cell.
Container- The polypropylene or hard rubber case that holds the plates, straps and electrolyte (or cells and BMS in a lithium battery).Corrosion- Destructive chemical reaction of a liquid electrolyte with a reactive.
Cover- The lid for the container.
Current- Flow of electricity measured in amperes.
Cycle- Charging followed by discharging, repeated at regular intervals.
Deep-Cycle Battery- Battery that provides a steady amount of current over a long period of time. It provides a surge when needed and is designed to be deeply discharged over and over again.
Discharge- Delivering current through the battery.
Deep Discharge- State in which a cell is fully discharged using low current, so that the voltage falls below the final discharging voltage.
Electrolyte- A solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water that conducts current through the movement of ions between positive and negative plates.
Grid- Lead alloy framework that supports the active material of a battery plate and conducts current.
Ground- Reference potential of a circuit. In automobile use, the result of attaching the battery cable to the body frame, which is used as a path for completing a circuit in lieu of a direct wire from a component. Today, over 99 percent of autos use the negative terminal of the battery as the ground.
Lead-Acid Battery- Battery made up of plates, lead and lead oxide (various other elements are used to change density, hardness, porosity, etc.) with a 35 percent sulfuric acid and 65 percent water solution. This solution is called an electrolyte, which causes a chemical reaction that produces electrons.
Lithium Battery- Battery made up of individually sealed lithium cells (4 cells in a 12V battery with lithium iron phosphate cells). Higher-quality lithium batteries will have an integrated battery management system (BMS), which protects from overcharge, over-discharge, over current, short circuit, over/under temperatures for the specific lithium chemistry, as well as ensuring proper cell balancing. Internal cell heaters may also be used to allow for charging in extremely cold temperatures. The processing power of the BMS may also enable additional features, such as power management, CAN, bluetooth or other communication capabilities.
Maintenance-Free Battery- Battery in which you don't have to check or refill the electrolyte levels.
Ohm- Unit for measuring electrical resistance or impedance within an electrical circuit.
OPTIMA CPR- An integrated feature on ORANGETOP powersports batteries that automatically disconnects the battery from external power draws, allowing for one more engine start
Plate - Positive- Cast metallic frame that contains the lead dioxide active material.
Plate - Negative- Cast metallic frame that contains a spongy lead active material.
POWERLINK- An external battery dongle that connects to ORANGETOP Powersports batteries and allows users to monitor state of charge with an LED display, turn the battery off from power draws and make a remote connection for charging.
PHCA (Pulse Hot Cranking Amps)- The number of amperes a lithium battery at 77°F can deliver for five seconds
Reserve Capacity Rating (RC)- Number of minutes a battery at 26.7o C/80o F can be discharged at a 25-amp rate until reaching 10.5 volts (for a 12-volt battery) and maintaining 10.5 volts for a 12-volt battery. The higher the rating, the longer your vehicle can operate should your alternator or fan belt malfunction.
Sealed Battery- Battery in which you don't have to check or refill the electrolyte levels. Leak-proof at angles over 45 degrees, also called VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead-Acid).
Separators- Porous dividers between plates that prevent physical contact.
Short Circuit- An unintended current-bypass in an electric device or wiring, generally very low in resistance and thus causing a large amount of current to flow. In a battery, a cell short circuit may be damaging enough to discharge the cell and render the battery useless.
Starting, Lighting, Ignition (SLI) Battery- Rechargeable battery that supplies electric energy to an automobile to power the starter motor, the lights and the ignition system of a vehicle’s engine.
State of Charge (SOC)- The amount of electrical energy stored in a battery at a given time expressed as a percentage of the energy when fully charged.
Terminals- Electrical connection from the battery to the external circuit. Each terminal is connected to either the first (positive) or last (negative) strap in the series connection of cells in a battery.
Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Battery- Battery that is sealed and maintenance-free.
Volt- Unit of measure for electrical potential.
Watt- Unit of measure for electrical power. -
If you don't have aftermarket electrical accessories in your vehicle, we recommend the REDTOP® 35. If you do have aftermarket electrical accessories, such as an audio system with amps, we recommend YELLOWTOP® D35. Both of these are top-post-only batteries.
Please note we also make a group 75/25 battery (some retailers will label it 75/35 in their system). This battery has both top and side posts and probably will not work in your vehicle. The positive and negative posts are on the wrong side for your vehicle and your cables may not reach. -
The following charging methods are recommended to ensure a long battery life. Always use a voltage-regulated charger, with voltage limits set as described below.
YELLOWTOP Type: D51 & D51R - D35 – DS46B24R - D75/25 - D34 – D34/78 - D27F - DH5 - DH6 - DH7
These batteries are dual-purpose. They are designed for engine start and cyclic applications and for use in vehicles with large accessory loads.
Recommended charging information:
- Alternator:
- 13.65 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- Battery Charger:
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- Cyclic Applications:
- 14.7 volts, no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). When current falls below one amp, finish with two-amp constant current for one hour.
- Rapid Recharge:
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Float Charge:
- 13.2 to 13.8 volts, one amp maximum current, time indefinite (at lower voltage).
- Strictly adhere to all limits.
These batteries are dual-purpose. They are designed for engine start and deep-cycle applications for use in vehicles with large accessory loads.
Recommended charging information:
- Alternator:
- 13.65 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- 13.65 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- Battery Charger:
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- Cyclic Applications:
- 14.7 volts, no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). When current falls below one amp, finish with three-amp constant current for one hour.
- 14.7 volts, no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). When current falls below one amp, finish with three-amp constant current for one hour.
- Rapid Recharge:
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Float Charge:
- 13.2 to 13.8 volts, one amp maximum current, time indefinite (at lower voltage).
- Strictly adhere to all limits.
The following charging methods are recommended to ensure a long battery life. Always use a voltage-regulated charger, with voltage limits set as described below.
These batteries are designed for engine starting applications. They are NOT recommended or warranted for use in deep-cycle applications.
Recommended charging information:
- Alternator:
- 13.3 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- 13.3 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- Battery Charger:
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- Rapid Recharge:
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Float Charge:
- 13.2 to 13.8 volts, one amp maximum current, time indefinite (at lower voltage).
- Strictly adhere to all limits.
BLUETOP Type: D34M / D31M/ D27M
These batteries are dual-purpose. They are designed for engine starting and deep-cycling applications, as well as for use in boats with large accessory loads.
Recommended charging information:
- Alternator:
- 13.65 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- 13.65 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- Battery Charger:
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- Cyclic Applications:
- 14.7 volts, no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). When current falls below one amp, finish with two-amp constant current for one hour for D34M, and three-amp constant current for one hour for D27M and D31M.
- 14.7 volts, no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). When current falls below one amp, finish with two-amp constant current for one hour for D34M, and three-amp constant current for one hour for D27M and D31M.
- Rapid Recharge:
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Float Charge:
- 13.2 to 13.8 volts, one amp maximum current, time indefinite (at lower voltage).
- Strictly adhere to all limits.
The following charging methods are recommended to ensure a long battery life. Always use a voltage-regulated charger, with voltage limits set as described below.
REDTOP Type: 34 & 34R - 34/78 - 78 - 25 & 35 - 75/25
These batteries are designed for engine starting applications. They are NOT recommended or warranted for use in deep-cycle applications.
Recommended charging information:
- Alternator:
- 13.3 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- 13.3 to 15.0 volts, no amperage limit.
- Battery Charger:
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- 13.8 to 15.0 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- Rapid Recharge:
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Maximum voltage 15.6 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Float Charge:
- 13.2 to 13.8 volts, one amp maximum current, time indefinite (at lower voltage).
- Strictly adhere to all limits.
These batteries are designed for engine starting applications. They are NOT recommended or warranted for use in deep-cycle applications.
Recommended charging information:
- Alternator:
- 6.65 to 7.5 volts, no amperage limit.
- 6.65 to 7.5 volts, no amperage limit.
- Battery Charger:
- 6.9 to 7.5 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- 6.9 to 7.5 volts, 10 amps maximum, for approximately six to twelve hours.
- Rapid Recharge:
- Maximum 7.8 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Maximum 7.8 volts (regulated), no current limit as long as battery temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until current drops below one amp.
- Float Charge:
- 6.6 to 6.9 volts, one amp maximum current, time indefinite (at lower voltage).
- Strictly adhere to all limits.
- Safety Information:
- Always wear safety glasses when working with batteries.
- Always use a voltage-regulated battery charger with limits set to the above ratings. Overcharging can cause the safety valves to open and battery gasses to escape, resulting in premature failure. These gasses are flammable! You cannot replace water in sealed batteries that have been overcharged. Any battery that becomes very hot or makes a hissing sound while recharging should be disconnected immediately.
- Failure to fully charge a battery can result in poor performance and a reduction in capacity.
- These guidelines are intended for typical consumer applications. For military, commercial applications or new equipment design, please contact OPTIMA for additional technical information and assistance
- Always wear safety glasses when working with batteries.
Gassing /Smell /Bowing /Bulging. If at any time the battery emits gasses, fluids, flames, smoke, unusual smells, or the sides bulge, discontinue use or charging immediately. If this happens during charging, please confirm that an appropriate lithium charging profile and charger was used, see section “Charge Your Battery.” If this happens during use of the vehicle, stop immediately and confirm that the charging system's voltage regulation is functioning properly.
CautionLead acid chargers/charge profiles are not optimized for charging lithium batteries and could result in subpar performance, reduced battery life or property damage.
Your ORANGETOP will not be fully charged when received. You must fully-charge the battery to 14.0V before use.
Use only chargers or profiles for 12V lithium iron phosphate (aka LFP or LiFePO4) batteries.The ORANGETOP battery will automatically wake from Sleep/Storage mode if an OPTIMA® enabled charger (such as Digital 200+) is used. If using a different charger, it may be necessary to manually “wake” the battery using the POWERLINK™ button on Powersports batteries or the on/off button on other ORANGETOP batteries.
Do not use:
-Lead acid battery charging profiles.
-Chargers/ charge profiles for flooded/SLI batteries, AGM or gel batteries.
-Chargers/ profiles with a desulfation/antisulfation/ reconditioning mode or function. Although this can be useful for lead acid and AGM batteries, it may cause a lithium battery to be overcharged.- Maximum charging current:
- Via POWERLINK™ - 3.5 amps
- Via battery terminals — varies by model (see technical specifications)
- Time to fully charge at 3.5A*
- QUAD7 ......... under 1 hour
- QUAD12 .... under 1.5 hours
- QUAD14 .....2 hours
- QUAD16 .... under 2.5 hours
- QUAD20 .... 2.5 hours
- QUAD30 .... under 4.5 hours
ORANGETOP Marine/RV and automotive batteries are significantly larger (up to 150Ah) than ORANGETOP Powersports batteries and may require significantly longer charge times at lower amperage rates to reach a full state of charge.
*Depending on temperature and the requirements of your vehicle, as little as 1 hour of charging time may be adequate for starting.Charge only between temperatures of 23°F (-5°C) and 122°F [50°C]. The battery will only accept charging within this temperature range, except for the Q31M-DC150 ORANGETOP, which has integrated cell heaters and can be charged down to -22°F. Never charge a battery that is frozen.
After charging ORANGETOP Powersports batteries via POWERLINK™, re-insert the rubber plug in the POWERLINK™ charging port when not in use to protect from dust and water Intrusion,
Because of the high-purity lead grid in the OPTIMA REDTOP, YELLOWTOP and BLUETOP battery, it has a self-discharge rate much lower than conventional flat-plate batteries. This means those OPTIMA batteries can sit for longer periods while retaining enough charge to start your vehicle when stored and maintained properly. Depending on storage temperature and the state of charge when put into storage, it can usually sit for eight to 12 months and still start most vehicles.When possible, store your battery in a cool, dry location. Check the battery voltage every six months and charge if it falls below 12.4 volts.
Remember, newer vehicles with onboard electronics such as computers, LCD screens, game systems, GPS units, clocks, etc., require battery power to retain system memory while the vehicle is parked. If the vehicle is to be stored for long periods, you should use a maintenance charger to compensate for this drain. During maintenance, the voltage should be regulated between 13.2 and 13.8 volts, one amp maximum. On older vehicles without electronics, disconnect the battery cables when the vehicle is not being used for extended periods.
To maximize storage time and battery lifespan, put the ORANGETOP Powersports battery into Sleep/Storage mode by holding the POWERLINK button for three (3) seconds or turning other ORANGETOP batteries off by using the on/off button on the battery. Disconnect the battery from the vehicle to eliminate any vehicle system impact. Use an appropriate lithium charger or maintainer, such as OPTIMA's lithium-enabled chargers. If none of the above are a viable option, disable constantly-powered devices or systems such as alarms.
If stored while not connected to a charger or maintainer, check your battery at least every three (3) months to ensure the voltage is at or above 13 volts. If your battery is discharged below 6 volts, the cells will be damaged and the BMS will permanently disable the battery. Neglectful or abusive over-discharge is not covered under the warranty. -
All batteries gradually lose their charge when stored over long periods of time. However, AGM batteries, including high-performance OPTIMA® batteries, lose their charge much more slowly. This helps to prevent the battery from becoming deeply discharged during storage, but it won't completely protect it from damage.
Even when your vehicle is turned off, there still may be a drain on the battery. This is especially true of newer vehicles equipped with computers, alarm systems and clocks that continue to run even when the vehicle is off. Over time, these will drain a battery to voltages too low to start the vehicle. It could even continue to drain to the point of damaging the battery.
If you have an ORANGETOP battery in your vehicle and you do not have electrical access to keep connected to a maintenance device, consider fully-charging the battery (to about 14.0 volts) and turning the battery off when putting the vehicle into storage. -
With batteries as durable as ours, you might wonder why we offer warranties in the first place. Well, at OPTIMA Batteries you could say we’re just used to going the extra mile.
H5, H6, H7, D34/78, D75/25, D34, D35, D27F,
D51, D51R Automotive, LTV, DS46B24R,
Car Audio (noncommercial)36 months free replacement
Series String Applications With Battery
Management System or CV/CC Charge
Method12 months free replacement
Series String Applications Without Battery
Management System1 month free replacement
D31A, D31T Commercial
24 months free replacement
H5, H6, H7, D27F, D34/78, D75/25, D34, D35,
D51, D51R, DS46B24R, Commercial12 months free replacement
Series String Applications With Battery
Management System or CV/CC Charge
Method Above12 months free replacement
Series String Applications Without
Battery Management System1 month free replacement
6V, 12V Passenger Vehicle / Light Truck
(noncommercial)36 months free replacement
12 Months free replacement
Abusive service / Deep-cycle
Applications / Car AudioNot covered
BLUETOP Starting and Dual-Purpose
Batteries (noncommercial)24 months free replacement
Commercial 12 months free replacement Series String Applications with battery
management system or CV/CC Charge
Method Above (deep-cycle only)12 months free replacement
Series String Applications Without Battery
Management System (Deep-Cycle Only)1 month free replacement
(noncommercial)60 months free replacement
Commercial 12 months free replacement Automotive Use Not covered -
No more flipping through pages and pages of user manuals. We've got everything you need right here in digital form.
OPTIMA AGM Material Safety Data Sheet - English
OPTIMA AGM Material Safety Data Sheet - French
OPTIMA Lithium Material Safety Data Sheet
OPTIMA Chargers Digital 400 Manual
OPTIMA Chargers Digital 400+ ManualOPTIMA Chargers Digital 1200 Manual
OPTIMA Chargers D1200+ Owners ManualOPTIMA Hold Down and Adapter Sheet
OPTIMA QUAD30 User Manual
OPTIMA Q31M DP-120 User Manual
OPTIMA Q31M DC-150 User Manual